community manager

Coworking Spaces: A Letter by a Community Manager

Dear reader,

I am Nathascha and I am FutureWard‘s Community Manager . I often meet new people, and they ask me what I do for a living. It’s funny even after I explain it, people still usually don’t really understand. Every Coworking Space has its own Community Manager, and this person usually has their own style of managing the space and its members.

Essentially what we do is, we manage the community. Haha duh.

But what does that actually entail? To be very honest, all kinds of things.

Our Job:

Community Managers are the first ones to greet new members and guests. We take people around the space for tours and introduce all the amenities. Members can always approach us about all their needs, it doesn’t matter how small or big!

I’ve had questions about where to buy clothes (mind you tall people sometimes have trouble shopping in Asia), what to eat for lunch and even asking for tips for their next date night location ;).

Apart from the smaller daily necessities, we also help out in the business needs of our members. Need an accountant to register your company? Need some help with Visa issues? Confused about local taxation laws? We usually know the answer to your problems, or we find someone to help you!

Another fun part of our job is community events! We want to make sure to help people get to know each other in the space and create a friendly atmosphere. There are all types of activities to make this happen. From self-baked cookies & cakes, after-hour drinks, games to community outings like hiking and laser tag, we organize it all! Finding the right activity and timing can sometimes be challenging, but that’s just part of our job.

Depending on the team and the company dynamic, Community Managers take care of parts of social media (visit our FB & IG) and marketing as well. It’s hard to put us into a specific job category.

So, to sum up…

…what do we actually do? Our job is very diverse, and every day brings new challenges. We help out in all aspects of running a space, and we are a friendly face for anyone visiting.

One thing I can say for sure. At FutureWard, I want to take care of the people working here, so they can focus on their business.

Team leaders, CEO’s and Managers can leave on a business trip without worries, and our team at FutureWard will make sure they feel like part of a community. Leave your employees in our care while working towards your goals.

Independent entrepreneurs and freelancers have friendly faces surrounding them, supporting their professional and personal goals. From finding professional services to offering a shoulder to cry on, we offer it all.

FutureWard is not just a Coworking Space, but a hub for you to feel like you have a second home.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me via



Nathascha Chen